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HelpDesk Setup

Help Desk ID* .smartanswer.com
The HelpDesk ID will be used to create your own subdomain under smartanswer.com (e.g. acme.smartanswer.com) and an auto responder email address (e.g. acme@smartanswer.com). The ID may consist of lower case English letters and digits only, may not start with a digit and may not exceed 20 characters. Once we set up your Help Desk, the ID may not be changed.
Company Name*
Your company name will be displayed as a sender when sending email messages. It may be changed later.
Home Page URL
This URL will be used in order to generate a link to your home page. It may be left blank (this will suppress the link). It may be changed later.
HelpDesk Administrator. The person responsible for configuring and maintaining the Help Desk. Please ensure you may accept email sent to the address specified, as we will send operating instructions to this address.
User ID*
Repeat Password*
Email Address*
First Name
Last Name